Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus var. sativa) as a plant, its derivatives/uses and benefits are mainly discussed. The hunt for lesser known and un-exploited crops, many of which are potentially valuable as human and animal foods has been on the high side now to retain the equilibrium between population growth and agricultural productivity, particularly in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Tiger nut is an underutilized crop of the family Cyperaceae, which produces rhizomes from the base and tubers that are somewhat spherical. Pollination is by wind. Young tubers are white, while older tubers are covered by a yellow outer membrane; they are usually found
within six inches of the ground surface. Vegetative colonies of its plants are often produced from the tubers and their rhizomes. They are usually preserved by sun drying for about three months before storage. It can be eaten raw, dried, roasted, or grated and can be subjected to further processing. Its uses in cooking and as fuel, baking flour, fish baits; milk in lieu of cow’s milk are outlined. Regarding the plant high percentage of carbohydrates (mono- and di-), fibre, and oil (especially oleic acid) and its moderately high level of protein, minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorous), and vitamins C and E makes it a good source of food for humans and animals. It is a cheap source of nutrition for both the rich and the poor.
Benefits of Tiger Nuts
- reduction of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, which is good for sports’ men and women and those intending to lose weight;
- it is also said to serve as a cure for flatulence and diarrhea, because it provides digestive enzymes like the catalase, lipase and amylase.
- The presence of anti-nutrients like polyphenols and tannins can be eliminated by boiling in water. though under-u it is still a good food snack for all.
- they have a high content of soluble glucose and oleic acid, along with high energy content (starch, fats, sugars and proteins)
- they are rich in minerals such as phosphorous and potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron necessary for bones, tissue repair, muscles, the blood stream and for body growth and development and rich in vitamins E and C
- Sugar-free tiger nut milk is suitable for diabetic people
- The high content of oleic acid has positive effect on cholesterol, thereby preventing heart attacks, thrombosis and activates blood content of soluble glucose.
- it contains a good quantity of vitamin B1, which assists in balancing the central nervous system and helps to encourage the body to adapt to stress
- the milk supplies the body with enough quantity of Vitamin E, essential for fertility in both men and women. Vitamin E also delays cell aging, improves elasticity of skin and helps to clear the appearance of wrinkles, acne and other skin alterations
- In China, tiger nut milk is used as a liver tonic, heart stimulant, drank to heal serious stomach pain, to promote normal menstruation, to heal mouth and gum ulcers, used in Ayurvedic medicines and is a powerful aphrodisiac (sexual stimulant).
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